After arriving in France in 2018, Inès M., a pediatrician, took on numerous positions at a hospital in Val-d'Oise, in particular during the COVID-19 crisis. In February she received an Obligation to leave French territory (OQTF). Speaking with InfoMigrants she expressed her incomprehension over the administrative decision.
The number of migrants and refugees in Italy who have found work increased in 2021. However, the number of foreign households living below the poverty line also went up. That's according to a new government report.
Portugal and Morocco signed an agreement on Wednesday, highlighting legal minutiae for Moroccans to come to live and work in the EU member state. The deal is part of ongoing efforts to fight illegal migration and human trafficking on both sides.
The Belgium government has presented a plan to integrate asylum seekers into the labor market by training them in the fields of catering and hotel management. This helps migrants to learn a trade while their asylum application is being processed and also fills a labor shortage.
The Italian labor policies agency and the UNHCR have signed an agreement to engage in activities to foster greater inclusion of refugees in the national labor market.