silent from the president on charlottesville. what are you expecting today? reporter: kate, so interesting, it has been silent on that topic. the president has been active on other topics. he s taken a brief, prescheduled departure from his working schedule in new jersey. he will work with the attorney general and fbi. i am told they expect him to take questions about charlottesville and other matters later this afternoon. we will see what the president says about this. he, of course, keeps his own counsel on this. many advisers have urged him to say something. they also, i m told, believe that all this, you know, blowback is misplaced as you can hear from the attorney general. there s no question, kate, this has consumed his august vacation, at least this part of it. it was left to his vice president, mike pence, traveling in south america, to talk directly about this.
we re canceling both of them. maybe we can get one back if we all decide to come together and put pressure on ourselves. is he inclined to do that, david hoppe? i you have to look at the situation. i think the membership would be concerned about that. having said that, i think congressman kings ston hton has idea they have to dial up the aggressive working schedule they need. this is not going back to anything. it s a new proposal to go to a market which functions. if you look at the weaknesses in our system, the weaknesses in our system is where the golf 789 tries to control it, then you have rationing, or do you go to a system where more people have more options, health savings accounts, access, benefits, choices, that s what a new system would be. we venhaven t had that because world war ii because of the way the system was set up from the tax situation from the wage and
working schedule. more labor protests because the minimum wage is $6.50 a month! reporter: yes $6.50 a month. it has been $6.50 a month for more than two decades, now, and labor is calling for a dramatic change. the typical government or public sector is moving with all the benefits still earning less than $60 a month. a highly paid accountant in private practice, a senior accountant earns only $7,000 a year so the ruling council, today, said the labor strike, the rallies, must end, and the strikes and actions are damaging the economy and we will see in the next few days if people pay any attention. it is labor unrest that contributed if great measure to this revolution. shepard: thank you, david lee miller streaming live from cairo. thank you. coming up on the heels of egypt,