unlikely and that doesn t mean you never go home but your day-to-day, the working of a trump white house, it s hard to imagine that would not occur at 1600 pennsylvania and it s the one place you cannot buy as a real estate developer. you ve got to get there the old fashioned way. tamron? real estate tips, thank you so much. let s go to chris jansing with more information on the meeting and what is happening. hi, chris. reporter: hi. they ll talk about just sort of the nuts and bolts of the transition. what do you look for in a cabinet? the pressure is on. there is a non-partisan group that is helping oversee this transition. they say by two weeks from today, thanksgiving, he should have an idea of who he wants his top 50 cabinet people to be as well as his chief of staff and we are just learning via hallie jackson from a couple of her sources that under consideration for homeland security secretary