Dph and so she is actually at this point, senior staff at planning and so you know, i dont think that john ram expected to come. Beyond that, we do hear your concerns about involving the community and we do have it about three months away from the time, every year in the spring, there is going to be quite a bit of sort of work on evaluating and monitoring the da every year. And so, i do take absolutely the importance of having a process around that i would not worry too much that in february, that has not started, i think that the time that it started is probably in the next couple of months and we think that it makes more sense to be focused around the particular time of year every year, and not sort of out over the years and that has been our plan if you feel differently, we should discuss that and we can do it differently, but recently doing what we intended to do and what is codified in the Development Agreement. Supervisor yee . Thank you, chair campos. First of all i want to than
This measure if we pass it today will be the strongly e cigarette legislation on any city in the united states. I wanted to thank the Youth Institute tobacco reduce like malaysia centers and the commissioners and many others from the b y d c and the grassroots for helping to educate me. Last december i introduced this legislation to strike it in San Francisco it will amended the Current Health care and prohibit the Electronic Cigarettes where smoking is prohibited. Im going to do a demonstration so i can see the simulation like at about Electronic Devices side when you inhale it a little light goes on and it emits a substance that has nicotine and other harm fill toxins in the room. Its important i had a banana flafrd one but other flavors from bubble gum and gummy bears and other flavors are not targeted at elders their targeted at the teens and youth. Different billboards that are in our coalition have put up over the year the e cigarettes are being sold in American People wild west
Discussion excuse me. Supervisor avalos i note we have Law Enforcement in this room laughter . I was just asked by our clerk to make that clear. With that, colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection this ordinance is passed on First Reading item 23 an ordinance to dissolve the enforcement of marijuana offenses. Same house, same call . This ordinance is passed reading from and item 26 and 27 were considered by Land Use Committee on a regular meeting on monday and sent to the board item 26 to amend the third street alcoholic district to allow alcoholic control and type of two winegrowers license same house, same call . This ordinance is pass on the First Reading. This is declaring the intent of the board to order the portion of certain streets along with the elicits that are in the shipyard and the confidentiality redevelopment plan area and order the additional vacational for various purposes and reserve and setting a hearing date on this motivator of ap
Is codified in the Development Agreement. Supervisor yee . Thank you, chair campos. First of all i want to thank the community to coming here today to express their concerns and so forth. So, i do understand that there will be a Compliance Report in may and we will try to be as patient as possible to listen to it at that point or read it, and the hope is that, everything that we are supposed to be doing will be done. And from just the comments that were made, from the departments and so forth, i mean, i am a little bit skeptical whether it is going to be done or not, but i want to be patient with that. The rate of others seem to be communicating the attention to the details. I am not too sure of this happening. In regards to the cliper card piece, i believe that one of the nurseses came up and talked about that. I would be very supportive that we could extend it beyond the ten years, or as the alternative would be also to supportive if for instance, if they six months have gone by, and
Which has three relatively large campuses in the east base and it is interesting, to hear what has come forward in this process this morning, and into the afternoon, because our stories are really one in the same. Just one week after an agreement was signed, with sutter which the campuses are an affiliate of the suter Health Organization out of sacramento, we experienced clear violations of the agreement including kind of a laundry list of comprehensive and very heinous in the east bay and some of which include the reduction through our reduction enforce layoffs that are currently happening throughout the three campuses in the middle of the staffing scenarios which are starting to catch the attention of the regulatory agencies in the east bay. And so, on behalf of the nurses in the east bay we wanted to come forward and bring a message of caution that any agreement that is reviewed with this particular corporation needs to be reviewed with scrutiny, and accountability as of the utmost