As the doors were shut and the ray rays of sun were setting the light would be reflected in the room and provide a warm glow and provide a little extra light at the end of the day. Fortunately, all of that has been retained. We never lost the original doors or windows. Ta have a little bit of gold pain around the outside of them just to add a little more sparkle to the room. In time he ended up having five daughters and three sons. The eldest daughter was quite camablee capable and helped her mom this running the house. She was the first one to be married here in the parlor. She did great things in her own lifetime. It was a dynamic family with lots of kids and lots of guests running in and out. Governor morehead and his wife loved their family deerly. It meant a lot to them as their center of existence and a lot of his accomplishments later in life was driven by his family life. We do have evidence that governor morehead did enslave people. Thats this census records and documentation
In 1966, one of the first transgender-led rebellions occurred in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco. The Compton’s Cafeteria Riot served as the prelude to the founding of the modern queer movement. Three years later, on June 28, 1969, there was another rebellion at New York City’s Stonewall Inn. …
Past Year of White Nationalism Has Shown Ongoing Need for Anti-Fascist Movements
Counter-protesters form a line outside of Black Lives Matter Plaza against a police line separating them from a group of Proud Boys during an anti-Trump rally on the same day as the second Million MAGA March in Washington, D.C., on December 12, 2020.
Craig Hudson for The Washington Post via Getty Images
We are living through an era marked not just by the explosive violence of the far-right, but by the specific targeting of antifascist activists by the state and white nationalists alike. The term “antifa” has escaped its practical usage and is now used as a mythic signifier for all things left-wing and chaotic in the right-wing imagination, which has only increased seemingly impulsive acts of violence against anti-racist organizers. This is not a new history, and itreminds of us of a heart-wrenching tragedy from the 1980s that is still in the memory of many antifascists demonstrating in the s