The cancellation of the Cal State university worker strike this week has led to an outpouring of anger and underscores the necessity for the building and strengthening of rank and file committees in opposition to the treacherous union establishment.
Podemos is not leaving the PSOE-Sumar government because it genuinely opposes its support for Israel, but because Sumar has closed-down its ability to make occasional critical noises in parliament to conceal its role as a key prop of the government.
Over 30 different sectors including healthcare, education, transport, fire services, logistics, mining, oil, aeronautics, metalworks, auxiliary car industries and sanitation, among others, are affected.
Sánchez faces rising opposition from both left and right from workers and youth protesting the Gaza genocide and Sánchez's anti-worker policies, and from fascistic, anti-Catalan groups calling for a coup.
Although contracts for their 420,000 members expired more than seven months ago, Monday’s half-day strike was the first job action called by the Common Front inter-union alliance.