Good morning. This meeting will come to order. Welcome to the december 13th of regular meeting of the joint City School District and city college select committee. I am supervisor haney. Madam clerk, will you please call. Do you have announcements . Please silence cell phones. Completed speaker cards should be snu submitted to the clerk. Please call the roll. roll call . Mr. Chair you have a quorum. Thank you. Will you please call the first item. Yes, i seem one. The hearing on the implementation of the affor affe homes for families now and the partnership between the city and county with the San Francisco with the unified School District to finance projects streamlined under the initiative. Before i call up our speakers and give an opportunity for other folks who may provide introductory comments. I want to say this is exactly why this committee exists, to be able to talk about an issue that really cannot happen without all of us in communication and on the same page, and i know that
[inaudible] great to be back here at gw. I want to thank president leblanc for welcoming all of us. Our family loves coming here. We were just talking backstage that both my husband and chelsea as well as myself have been here numerous times on this stage, bill and i speaking, chelsea dancing while she was on the ballet. I dont know why you all laugh. I was never a star. [laughter] its great being here and always great to be with you. I feel like weve done this in various combinations and its always fun and such an honor for me. First i just want to thank you on behalf of womankind for this book. I was saying to them ahead of time its a frustration tonight is going to be that we can only talk about so many of them. Not nearly the range we would want to, we could, we could stay for a week and talk about all of them. Its an amazing book, its so important to have the stories of so many women in one place. We will talk about that in a second. We should get going because we dont have a ton
Mr. Chair, you have a quorum. I would like to acknowledge commissioner lopez who has joined us here as well. Madame clerk, are there any announcements . Please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and copy of any documents to be included as part of a file should be submitted to the clerk. Thank you. I wanted to also make a quick announcement which is this is intended to be a committee where everyone, commissioners, trustees, supervisors can bring forward agenda items. For anyone who has an agenda item that they would like to have heard, please send those to myself, as well as to one of my staff so that we can track those , and there will be, unless something changes, a meeting in july, which will be on july 12 th. If you have any agenda items, if you want to bring it to that meeting or future meetings, please let me know. We will not have a meeting in august because this entire building shut down and there are no Committee Meetings in aug
Mr. Chair, you have a quorum. I would like to acknowledge commissioner lopez who has joined us here as well. Madame clerk, are there any announcements . Please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and copy of any documents to be included as part of a file should be submitted to the clerk. Thank you. I wanted to also make a quick announcement which is this is intended to be a committee where everyone, commissioners, trustees, supervisors can bring forward agenda items. For anyone who has an agenda item that they would like to have heard, please send those to myself, as well as to one of my staff so that we can track those , and there will be, unless something changes, a meeting in july, which will be on july 12 th. If you have any agenda items, if you want to bring it to that meeting or future meetings, please let me know. We will not have a meeting in august because this entire building shut down and there are no Committee Meetings in aug
Please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and copy of any documents to be included as part of a file should be submitted to the clerk. Thank you. I wanted to also make a quick announcement which is this is intended to be a committee where everyone, commissioners, trustees, supervisors can bring forward agenda items. For anyone who has an agenda item that they would like to have heard, please send those to myself, as well as to one of my staff so that we can track those , and there will be, unless something changes, a meeting in july, which will be on july 12 th. If you have any agenda items, if you want to bring it to that meeting or future meetings, please let me know. We will not have a meeting in august because this entire building shut down and there are no Committee Meetings in august. You can go on vacation or schedule accordingly, and again, thank you, it is great to have this Committee Meeting on a regular basis and it is good t