was on american soil. you are an expert in the situation so what made you want to bring the scandal to light? . it is a situation that is not completed the i.c.e. agent killed in mexico with a similar program they still don t have closure or really any answers they do have some justice with the assailant who killed their family members being extradited to the united states but on trial and found guilty but coming to the role of the federal government sanctioning a program purposely allow thousands of guns to be put into the hands of the most violent criminals or narco terrorist in north america, there hasn t been a
now. nice to meet you so people who don t know what is a fast & furious scandal? . program that the federal government through the justice department 2009 through 2010 and decided it was a good idea to allow people who are trafficking guns to the mexican cartel to buy thousands of firearms at gun shops like in arizona about what happened the straw purchaser who purchases again for someone who cannot purchase a gun either an illegal immigrant somebody lives in mexico or has a felony. so they would purchase thousands of guns and etf told them they were tracking the firearms that the americans found out because border patrol agents because an agent was killed in 2010 by someone who had these guns and and it
. my attorney general would not have ordered gunrunning to pass through into mexico. that would not be an appropriate step. do you think there is a cover-up? abby: america and the border katie heads to arizona to investigate the botched organization known as fox lawn - - fast & furious and headed to the us mexican border for keeping america safe coming up next. let s be honest:
lot of accountability for that. also talking about the seriousness why it is dangerous and to showcase that as a result of the operation there are serious consequences which includes people being killed in mexico or law enforcement every single day as a result and it really shows how dangerous the job is. tell us about your experience and to be in pet canyon it is very rough terrain it is dangerous. cartel territory. we talked to a number of retired agents who did work undercover in mexico and in the united states can we go further to get some more perspective? and we were told it was too dangerous so if you ask if