we don t understand exactly what happened, but i think that they should have gone in and secured that are you saying that your brother went inside when he first arrived at the school and stayed inside and did not retreat as some have suggested? right. they did not retreat, and so the shooter was down. they were in there that entire time. a bit of hindsight where i m sitting now, of course it was not the right decision, it was the wrong decision. there is no excuse for that. but, again, i wasn t there the, but i m just telling you from what we know, we believe there should have been an entry. hey, when there s an active shooter, the rules change. neil: five days after the shooting, still questions as to could a number of them have been prevented. welcome, everybody, i m neil cavuto, and this is cavuto live. for the next two hours, we re going to be exploring exactly what happened in texas and the mixed signals we re getting out of that school and what happened in t
Widening as i speak, with new names added on like a traffic lineup in manhattan. Theres still no indication that donald trump is anywhere near to making one of the key decisions of his presidency, who will serve as his chief diplomat. Vice President Elect mike pence ran through some of the top contenders yesterday. I think everyone that hes talked to and has been talked about, whether it be a Rudy Giuliani or mitt romney or General Petraeus or senator corker or john bolten, and others, bring extraordinary background and qualities to this. Nbc news reports that several new names have been added to that list, even if they remain outside contenders. The associated press, meanwhile, is reporting that prospects of Rudy Giuliani and mitt romney, they say, are fading. The new names include jon huntsman, who was critical of trump during the campaign, but who wasnt also reportedly in the mix, ceo of exxonmobil, rex the bulk of the time was with the President Elect, donald trump. I found it an
be different than bill de blasio, he was going to lower taxes, he was going to have a business-friendly administration that lowers taxes, that protects their workers. we should point out that mr. enriquez is not the only person that s been murdered recently particularly from that work side of big business. michelle go earlier in the year was pushed in front of a train, and this happens all the time. she, tragically, died as well. he wooed them that he would stop this, it s not stop thing. and, neil, the message i m getting from a lot of people in the business community is that it s buyer s remorse in terms of eric adams. and, you know, you could say he s better than the alternative, de blasio or the other progressives that were running during the campaign. yes, that might be true the, but what i think people forget is that businesses now more than ever can just move out. if he doesn t deliver, they will continue to move out, they will
withstand surge outside the levee system, yes, sir. hope it works. national weather service, as you know, john, warned that some places in louisiana, i don t know if that includes your parish, may be uninhabitable for weeks or months after hurricane ida barrels through. what does that mean potentially for residents in your area. what are you advising them to do now to protect themselves and their families? saint bernard parish, we are long, kind of narrow. have the mississippi river one side, marsh on the other side. outside the levee system, we have a few families live year-round, sport fishermen. we expect water to do most damage in those areas. as far as in inhabitable, that could mean folks outside the levee system. the river is going to divide between the work side of the storm and part eastern side, which would be a little god send
Mit dem nachgebauten Handelsschiff «Bissula» erproben Forscher auf der Mosel, wie schnell die Römer einst Güter transportierten.
Foto: Universität Trier
Aelius Aristides war beeindruckt. «(Nach Rom) wird herbeigeschafft, aus jedem Land und jedem Meer, was immer die Jahreszeiten wachsen lassen und alle Länder, Flüsse und Seen sowie die Künste der Griechen und Barbaren hervorbringen», sagte der griechische Redner im Jahr 155 nach Christus über die Hauptstadt des Römischen Reiches. «So zahllos sind die Lastschiffe, die hier eintreffen und alle Waren aus allen Ländern von jedem Frühjahr bis zu jeder Wende im Spätherbst befördern, dass die Stadt wie ein gemeinsamer Handelsplatz der ganzen Welt erscheint.»