no. but i dated somebody from the office. how did that work out?i we dated 3 1/2 years. there is some benefits. you have someone to car pool with or a lunch buddy. the down side are far greater becaus se you take your work hoe with you and you bring your homu to work. so it ended up always talking about work, on and on and on. we couldn t letor it go. then everyone at work knew our business, which was frustrating. then one time i got a raise and he didn t. and there was did they know your business? did that get you upset? i think i m more of a privat> person, so i didn t likeon everybody knowing when we had ae argument or where we were goinge on vacation. what else happened? jesse, you are a successful workplace partner. so far, yes. can you tell us what happened? yeah. i met my wife here at work. at shepard smith s apartment. she did she. can you elaborate? what was your wife doing in