need a little happiness to be living the life with me welcome back. it s oscars weekend and here s how we do oscars in nerd land. we pulled together a panel with a historian, comedian and activist and dissect the very guts of pop culture. since its release in august, the film the help based on the book of the same name has grossed $206 million at the box office and it s up for a best picture at the oscars. and tomorrow night if the academy keeps the award season love going, 2011 s feel-good movie will have even more reason to celebrate. the real stories of black women domestic work hes are among the most compelling narratives in our history. the oral history project of doz
during the time she was serving as a domestic worker. do we have that image? we don t. but part of rosa parks story is a story of being violated by the white man in the household for whom she worked. i think part of what was so distressing about the movie is that aspect was so left out. exactly. all of the frameworks of exploitation, segregation are actually held external to the xpeenss of the women in this film. sot civil rights movement happens almost as a setpiece out of the narrative, out of the stage and what you get is this tight domestic focus as if that domestic space isn t a space of politics or isn t a space of change. or thinking about rosa parks history as part of a movement, the montgomery busboy cot wouldn t have worked if it hadn t work for the hundreds of thousands of domestic work hes who participated and yuch held that boycott who refused to ride the buses and who walked the streets to show that they were refusing to ride. and didn t need and there were white
people we re talking about. that is the war on work hes. the war on workers started january of this year. the minute those people got in. one of the first things they did was to introduce right to work in 14 states, almost simultaneously. that is the tea party, and that s their agenda. i m very proud of what we did. you re very proud of what you said? i think a lot of people are proud of you too. do you believe that fox that network is anti-wokker? it seems like they repeatedly take a stance against unions. and they repeatedly throw out rhetoric that, you know, is just against organized labor. what are your thoughts on fox? well, i think fox is really a parallel universe. you watch that, and you wonder what world they re in. they re anti-worker, anti-obama. they talk about right to work. they just completely spin out a complete different reality than what you and i see.
the phones rang off the hook at all of our locals today. finally, somebody s standing up for us. somebody s saying what has to be said. we re tired of this namby-pamby talk that s out there. let s call people what they are. let s go after the issue, talk about the war on workers. and let s make sure we mobilize and vote in november. it was a tremendous response today. the phones rang off the hook in tremendous support from working families. do you think the republicans are sons of bitches? i think they are, if they re trying to take food out of the mouth of working people. what kind of a person does that? what kind of a person tries to take away collective bargaining from public employees, firemen, policemen, teachers is it what kind of person wants to go in and take away their pensions? you know what, that s a bad person, and that s the kind of people we re talking about. that is the war on work hes. the war on workers started january of this year.
their big disaster to file a lawsuit against cameron international, maker of the blowout preventer on their site. they also sued transocean, who was responsible for the rig that went down. what does that say about how the industry is accepting or deflecting blame here? you really can t accuse bp of being overly compassionate for filing these lawsuits on the day that the anniversary of the day they lost 11 work hes and destroyed an ecosystem. but i think everyone needs to understand that bp is the operator of record. they are the ones who are responsible for this, and they re trying to spread as much blame as they can, because it hopefully would on their side would reduce their liability. but you have to ask the question, if transocean is a poor driller. and cameron makes poor blowout preventers, what rigs are they using now. have they actually stopped using those, if they re actually faulty in their view?