#WORK: Having a work bestie can make long days fly by and make them a lot more fun, but work friendships don’t follow the same rules as regular ones. You have to find the right balance of being a coworker and being a friend, but being professional has to come first. If they don't - it can end badly!
#WORK: Having a work bestie can make long days fly by and make them a lot more fun, but work friendships don’t follow the same rules as regular ones. You have to find the right balance of being a coworker and being a friend, but being professional has to come first. If they don't - it can end badly!
#WORK: Having a work bestie can make long days fly by and make them a lot more fun, but work friendships don’t follow the same rules as regular ones. You have to find the right balance of being a coworker and being a friend, but being professional has to come first. If they don't - it can end badly!
#WORK: Having a work bestie can make long days fly by and make them a lot more fun, but work friendships don’t follow the same rules as regular ones. You have to find the right balance of being a coworker and being a friend, but being professional has to come first. If they don't - it can end badly!
#WORK: Having a work bestie can make long days fly by and make them a lot more fun, but work friendships don’t follow the same rules as regular ones. You have to find the right balance of being a coworker and being a friend, but being professional has to come first. If they don't - it can end badly!