were presented to the special counsel the other day, and with the president crossing paths potentially with putin at this weekend s g20 summit in argentina, what do you make of the timing of all of this? well, you know, i think it s funny that everyone s saying not everybody, but the president s partisan certainly are saying let s get it over with, let s move the move the special counsel s work forward. and then we have a major breakthrough in the case, and i read this afternoon that some of the president s partisans saying, well, it s only timed to make the meeting with putin more difficult, and the same thing happened with helsinki. i don t think there s anything special to read into the timing. i think the special counsel is moving at his own pace and moving forward based upon the information that they have. and he s going to continue to do so. at least if if the president or the acting attorney general doesn t take steps to try to
president would use. bob, with all your books, a first draft of history, and congratulations on it. i want to you look forward a little bit, though. if president gets elected, and i think if the election were held today, he would get re-elected. on the basis of how he and boehner got on the discussions of the grand bargain, is that a template they can carry forward if obama is re-elected, if boehner is speaker again? from november to january, can they take that deal back out and say okay, we got pretty close last time, let s work forward, or is that so dead and it s caused so much scarring that that will never be used as a template to move forward? well, ultimately, that s the question. there s a lot of bad blood here between the president and speaker boehner and the republicans. and in talking to speaker boehner at great length about this, his problem is and he