Senator fetterman i call this subcommittee to order. Chairwoman stabenow. And Ranking Member boozman. Thank you so much for coming. I thank you for your leadership on this committee and i look forward to working with you to pass a farm bill. A farm bill that works for small farmers, Rural Communities and hungry americans. I would also like to thank my Ranking Member, senator braun, and i look forward to working closely with you. Snap is one of the most effective programs to fight hunger and poverty in the country. In my time in office as the mayor, Lieutenant Governor to now, i have heard from americans about their support for snap. Hunger is in the a republican or a democrat issue. Its all of our issue that we have to take on. We need to come together and stop playing political games with americans access to food. Americans like cory from the town of northeast in pennsylvania tells me that he was a victim of skim, somebody stole money from his snap e. B. T. Hes not the first pennsylva
Leader wants to do . Host lets get an answer. Well leave this here and return to live coverage of the u. S. House. Postponed. Votes will be taken in the following order. The motion to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3354 ordering the previous question on House Resolution 1194 and adoption of House Resolution 1194 if ordered. The first electronic vote will be conduct as a 15minute vote, pursuant to clause 9, remaining votes will be conducted as fiveminute votes. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion for the jam from kansas to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3354, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk 3354, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 220 north hatcher avenue in percyville, virginia, as the secretary of state, Madeleine Albright post office building. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill. Memb
Examining the impact of Climate Change on u. S. Household finances, especially for those living and foldable communities. The Treasury Department released a report that they of this event. This is hosted by the urban institute in washington, d. C. And runs about one hour and 20 minutes. Welcome, and good afternoon. I am signemary, Vice President urban institute on the center of labor, Human Services and population. And also a Financial Wellbeing expert. So this topic, todays topic is there into to my heart. Thank you to all of us could joint joined both in the room today and online and before i jump in here are a few notes on housekeeping. One, the event is being recorded and the recording and relevant links will be posted online after thehe event. If youre joining us virtually the life captions are turned on and you can adjust those at the bottom of your screen. And if youre b in the room you can use the qr code that is on all of your table to submit your questions, and the virtual au
While we were on the august recess, it was projected that theyd reach trillion, doubling the estimate of we simply cannot continue down this path of spending large sums of money without regard to the fiscal future of our nation. This bill takes the same approach American Families take every day. They simply have to do more with less under the biden economy. American families decide every single day where to cut back spending to pay for whats most important for them. For them, those decisions are difficult. Likewise, we have to make tough, difficult decisions for the good of the nation. This represents 2. 7 billion across discretionary accounts throughout this bill except for the Supplemental Program for w. I. C. With this reduction the fiscal year 2024 agriculture appropriation bills discretionary allocation is 15. 1 billion. By redirecting nearly 7. 5 billion in unobligated funds from the inflation reduction act, this funds the food and agriculture and the Commodity Futures Trading Co
Yes theres still questions to it. How much do you keep . How much can you write off. But coming down pike one, two trillion infrastructure plan and continues to be optimistic to push for prosperity in your wallet Varney Company right here starts right now. Charles i know the frozen tundra is redundant but necessary the east coast and west coast in already a serious e deep freeze and it will helicopter into the new years. Youre looking at windchills check them out negative numbers across the board absolutely phenomenal. On the other end the scale higher oil near 60 last two sessions. But not because lots of people are using heating oil the big spark the last couple of days has been libyan where fallout after that pipeline blast and adam you have nor details on that. A blast they expect to have this pipeline back up and running in about a week but knocking 100,000 barrels off of the market so price was trading above 60. And highest it has been in a long time. West texas take a look at th