Im the chair of the budget and finance committee and joined by supervisor walton, mamd exlman and president yee. Thank you for broadcasting. The due to the covid19, the Committee Room is closed. However, members will be participating in the meeting remotely. The interpreter, please. Im sorry, i didnt get the whole thing. Im going to find somebody that can assist, because its long. Its pretty long. So i think maybe one of our interpreters has the script and will do a more accurate job. Due to coincident house emergency and to protect boar. S. Due to coincident Health Emergency and to protect Board Members, the board of supervisors, the chamber and Committee Room are closed. However, members will be participating remotely. This is pursuant to the local, state and federal orders, declaration and directives. Committee members will attend through Video Conference and participating in the meeting to the same extent as if they are physically present. Public comment is available on each item o
Today for testimony in the monumental decision long overdue with race symbols on public land. The Committee Report any oral ngOpening Statements limited to the chair or the Ranking Member or designee this means we can hear from witnesses sooner and keep the schedule. Ask unanimous consent all the members Opening Statements be made part of the recordalemhe submitted by 5 00 p. M. Today or the close of the hearing whichever comes first. Hearing no objection so ordered. Without objection the chair may also declare recess because thereonhaha are votes we will have to breakak for that. Statements or documents or notion motions must be submitted to the electronic repository please note members are responsible for their microphones members can be muted to avoid inadvertent background noise. Anybody in the room today must have a mass covering their mouth and nose with a recommendation from the attending physician requires all gatherings over 16 minutes in length and to maintain the coordinate
Appreciate your comments, Opening Statements related to Nordstrom Team 2. I want to ask about that. We know it security, nordstrom 2 threatens European Energy security, increases russian monopoly over the region. This pipeline is a russian trap, strongly support the recent announcement aimed at stopping this dangerous pipeline. Congress is working to provide the administration with additional tools to prevent it from being completed. The last few weeks both the senate and house passed their own versions of the National Defense authorization act with sanctions. Could you talk about the administrations commitment to opposing the pipeline and applying sanctions against those companies aiding in the completion of this russian trap . Donald trump took it on that it was a threat, created enormous leverage for russia, and ukraine as well. We had good support from capitol hill and legislation that was appropriate to delay the project, we are prepared to use those tools. There were diplomatic c
Hearing will come to order. I welcome everybody to this hybrid hearing. Both Ranking Member mister heiss and myself have wanted to have hearings resume in person. Especially when we are in session i made a promise to mister heiss that i would fight for that and today is the fruit of that effort i believe when we were in session, to the extent possible, protecting everybodys health and safety, we can and should be meeting like this. At least in hybrid form those members who are not comfortable or who physically cannot join us in the hearing room are more than welcome to join us through the web. We are happy to have them. We ask everybody, when they are not speaking, to wear a mask that is the guidance and the capitol hill position. That is the guidance of the chairwoman of this committee. It protects everybody i really appreciate that cooperation. Let me see. For members appearing remotely, just a few reminders before i get my Opening Statement. House rules require that we see you so pl
Community. Learningterested in more about the center for conservative women. You can visit our website or reach out to us to get our monthly email newsletter. We can jump into the webinar. A rising sophomore at the university, studying computer science, i. T. , and math. We are so happy to have her here with us this summer. Good afternoon, everybody. I am very excited to be introducing our teacher. She is a partner and political law attorney for the washington, d. C. Office. A member of the with over 40 years of experience, she issued candidates, campaigns, and individuals on state and federal Campaign Finance law, election law, and compliance issues. She practices before the federal election commission, the ethics committees of the house and senate, as well as bodies and agencies. She represents numerous candidates, campaigns, and members of congress, as well as state and National Political parties. She served as Legal Counsel to as Senatorial Committee and the National Congressional