advantage of if someone has overcome adversity and looking at that in their resume. that is clearly still legal by the supreme court. some of this is then trying to pretend like the supreme court has blocked more than it has. really all the court said is you cannot look at race and just give people a plus or minus based on race alone. americans don t want that either. so the administration to the extent that they re trying to find work arounds, they have the court realizing they ll have their guard up to stop that. i saw today the brennan center for justice saying there should be 18-year term limits. this is the rationale for it. to have a court more reflective of today s america, whatever current popular opinion is. i guess this is a battle among legal scholars. should we be steeped in a constitution as it was written or should it be up to interpretation depending on what is hip at the time? it s a silly time to be
here to weigh-in. one thing that caught my eye last week after the rulings on student loans and affirmative action. president biden took to the microphone and sort of said to schools, colleges, hey, defy this and promising everyone that they ll find a way around it. that s their intention but seems like total disregard for that third branch of the u.s. government. it was designed for checks and balances. we need a supreme court that is not afraid to make these kind of rulings. and yeah, this administration is one that has had a lot of disturbing assaults on the judiciary. a lot of democrats calling for people to pack the court, trying to figure out how to get rid of term limits even though it s in the constitution. i thought it was telling. some of his attempted work arounds were ways that the supreme court envisions you actually carrying out its own ruling. they said we want people to take
gillian: what about these proposals the president has now been touting across the white house, across the department of education, he spoke about it just a few minutes ago. these so-called work arounds that he is now lasering in on. he did not get his big ticket item, which was a win, a victory in the supreme court, so he s going to try and pull other legal levers to see what he can do. honestly, my guess about this given the unpopularity of the policy would have been that biden would say to progressives look i tried it, but it s the supreme court s fault, i can t do anything about it. we have seen him do those things before when he knows he doesn t have institutional power, that s what he says about the filibuster, for instance. i would love to overturn it but we don t have the votes in the senate, he blames another institution. it s politically smart to some extent but support for the executive power overreaching on domestic policies is historically very low. sometimes we are wil
abortion, the course didn t take power from the cells, which is what they did in roe. they gave it back to the people operating through their elected representatives. the student loan case, the real check of dictatorship was the president doesn t have the authority to spend $403 billion of the people s money without the people having some say in the form of, again, the elected representatives. the irony is that we re giving power back to the congresswoman s branch of government and she doesn t seem to want it. she seems to prefer a five-person court setting policy acting as a legislature for the country or the president having unlimited power of the purse. gillian: the president has gotten busy pretty much from the moment of the ruling working on so-called work arounds. take a listen to him in his own words. try to expand the court,
think the supreme court came down warily on the right side of the issue. i ve been an opponent to affirmative action for my entire adult life. what i will see is this is just a first step. this is not a destination. the colleges and elite universities doctor taking steps for work arounds and reducing the values of test scores or any quantitative metrics in the waitings and waiting for the backdoor of the outcomes and i ll direct the department of justice for illegal backdoor practices as well and think about the economy as well. i ll rescind that executive