go. the blood thirsty aliens then sucked the blood of 828 teachers and left them for dead. shocking. parents are shocked over these math problems that were sent home with 3rd graders at the trinidad center city public charter school. here is one about cooking african-americans, americans and indians. she put the people equally into nine enormous ovens to bake. how many desperate people were in each oven? it s the holocaust. it s too horrific to even think about. bill: all right, gutfeld. here is the thing. the teacher is now fired. that s the update to the story in washington, d.c. the idea creative, bad judgment. it s a great way to take word problems and try to figure out a new way to do that for example, if you incorporate the o reilly factor and i have a word problem for you. if bill o reilly says not buying it five times while showing tape of a victoria secret commercial for 10 minutes, how many not buying