about this word deadbeat. do you accept my definition of deadbeat, someone who won t pay your bills? chris, are you talking to me? congressman messer. i think it s important that you pay your bills. what i reject is just the premise of the last two minutes, chris. listen, we passed a bill today that will fund government and would protect the american people from obama care. the people that are talking about shutting down president are you, the president and nancy pelosi. let s get the press in here. the government has to pay its bills. you have a continuing resolution because you haven t passed the appropriations because among other reasons, ted cruz insisted that the two budget committees never meet in conference this year. there never was a chance to pass bills or resolutions. that s a fact on the record, sir. that s not an argument. my question is list all the programs you ve seen that you ve tried to kill on a continuing resolution on budget deadline. the end of the year
objectively can report the way the president tried to sell it, which is if this government can t pay its debts, refuses to pay it because of the debt ceiling, is that la republican decision or is it going to be played conflict in washington, gridlock, both parties to plame? well, the president said in the press conference i think people will blame all of washington, but he didn t mean it. and he doesn t believe it. he thinks, and i think rightly thinks, that the political onus will be on the republicans. the president said we aren t a deadbeat nation which is one of many great quotes in that press conference. i like that word deadbeat. we aren t a deadbeat nation and he said the republicans will turn us into a deadbeat nation if they do what they re threatening if sib else object to the question. if there s a different answer i ll sep it. did the democrats ever play the game of not paying the bills of the united states government as a tactic. the democrats including the pre