Woolwich marked Memorial Day with its 121th Service of Remembrance Monday evening, May 27, with First Baptist Church on Middle Road hosting the event. At 7 p.m., Rev. Tom Tuck, pastor of First Baptist Church, welcomed guests gathered in the.
In 2023, Wiscasset and other towns dealt with how to get and keep workers, improve residents’ and businesses’ internet access and, in Wiscasset’s case, how to protect the wastewater treatment plant from the rising water of climate change.
Members of Partridge Cemetery Association (PCA) in Woolwich paid memorial tribute to a longtime, dedicated member, David Wallace, at the annual meeting held June 2 at North Woolwich Methodist Church (NWMC) on River Road. Wallace, who died of cancer.
Woolwich veterans and others gathered in front of the town’s historic war memorial at the community’s Veterans Day ceremony at Laurel Grove Cemetery, Friday morning, Nov. 11. Robert Meade, a U.S. Army and Marine Corps veteran of the Korean War,.
Every year around this time, Woolwich Historical Society recognizes a person, couple, or family with its Distinguished Service Award for dedicated volunteerism to the community. Debbie Locke of Days Ferry is this year’s recipient. “I’ve always.