something and see if you guys can this is, what s his name, george benard shaw. we played tape this week and last week. he s frightening. he is absolutely frightening. would you agree? larry, you re laughing. yeah, he s frightening. i mean he is the guy who said hey, chemists, please come up with a humane gas to get rid of some of the people that don t know anybody. here is margaret sanger. margaret sanger, hillary clinton talked about margaret sanger. this is planned parenthood. yes. glenn: also, planned parenthood, its roots with margaret sanger, progressive, really more in line with george bernard shaw. it s to get rid of undesirable, is it not? eugenics fits in here carefully. correct. correct. glenn: but woodrow wilson has a lot in common here, because he s a real i mean he s a dirt bag racist, is he not? he is. the number of in fact, we had very few african-americans in federal government but they were
you. two years ago i knew nothing about woodrow will with wilson. it hate this s.o.b. he was an evil, evil dude. america should know about woodrow wilson because he, i think, has done more to change america than most presidents. in fact, series of presidents combined. would you agree with that? he has. look at federal reserve, federal income tax. manipulating with wages and hours, that it s the government job to determine wages that might be paid or hours of work that might be done. he also did all the work on administrative work, administration, right? he was the guy who wrote before the early 1900s. then he also was a guy who helped change history. if i m not mistaken, it was during his administration that a group of professors, i think from columbia, progressive professors got together and said you know what? our founders were racist
white people. what do you say? they decided to really make progress, we had to detach from the history we had. and make progress from that. true story? history becomes a tool for the present to affect the future. it no longer becomes s s a mean of looking at the past but it becomes an active weapon to change society. we saw last week and glenn: we saw last week and we ran a special last week on the history of the 20th century and fascism and soviet union and hitler and everything else. we saw how much has been changed, how much has been left out, et cetera, et cetera. how much of the history that we re taught in textbooks because i read r.j. s book on woodrow wilson and all the doors opened up on me and i went oh, my gosh. we ve been being lied to like crazy. how much of history in america history, we re taught
in schools and colleges and also elementary school, et cetera, et cetera, is accurate? a lot is inaccurate. starting with the progressives attack on the constitution. that the founders were not motivated by putting together a document that had eternal truths in it. that one generation should follow, the next generation should follow and so on. but it was a self-interested document that the founders wrote it and designed it to protect their economic interest. right. it became also that when you say eternal truths that god was not really there. it doesn t matter. the declaration of independence shouldn t even be read today. didn t, wasn t it wilson r.j. do you remember? wasn t it wilson that said the preamble of the constitution should never be read and the deck lar rition of independence has zero relevance to any other age other than 1776? yeah, wilson said if you want to understand the real
but what other judgments said the law means. it s a case law approach. it would be like if you re repairing or restoring a car, and you never go back to the original schematic of the car, you just see all of the repairs and what everybody has done no the to the car. a 1965 mustang, 200 years from now if you are only basing what you are doing on all of the repairs, it ain t going to be anything like a 1965 mustang, right? right. this is why you see during the supreme court confirmation hearings all of the progressive senators are really worked up about precedent. they re obsessed with precedent. what that means is they want to make sure the potential justices are going to be guided by what other liberal judges have said over the last 80 years about the constitution, not what the constitution actually says. glenn: all right. now let me go to woodrow wilson. bring a picture of wilson up. it hate this. this i mean i got to tell