“Ada and the Engine” at Silver Spring Stage.
“Ada and the Engine” written by Lauren Gunderson, produced by Alika Codispoti and Maura Suilebhan, and directed by Jon Jon Johnson for Silver Spring Stage opened virtually on Friday, January, 15, 2021. Typical of several of Gunderson’s works, this play illuminates the life of a little-known woman who made a big impact in her field of expertise. In this case, the plot revolves around the daughter of the poet, Lord Byron, who he abandoned along with her mother at birth. Byron, if you remember, was a rogue who died young and part of the British Romantic poets that included Shelley, Keats, Coleridge, and Wordsworth. Ada (Danielle Gallo) was his daughter. She was brilliant mathematician and is recognized today as the first woman programmer. She programmed for Charles Babbage (Kevin Dykstra) who is credited with developing the prototype for the first computer.
Left-Conor Patrick Donahue (Jeff) with Ronald Ward (Bill) in ‘Lobby Hero’
“Lobby Hero” by Kenneth Lonergan, produced by Seth Ghitelman, and directed by Rob Gorman, is currently playing online via Silver Spring Stage. The play was to open the season but, due to Covid-19, can only be seen virtually at this time.
The play opened off-Broadway in March of 2001 then, in May of the same year, it moved to the John Housman Theatre. It was revived in 2018 with an all-star cast and was a Tony Award nominee. Lonergan has written several plays but he is probably more recognized for his film writing and direction, most recently for “Manchester by the Sea.”