áámelindaáá.// anythingg../ new. in the case? police keep working leads as they come in. the departmeet has dedicated pn entire squad of seven investigators to this case. the f-b-i. still. nothing h &phas panned out. but police and her family remain hopeful. hopeful. waiting for her return. till family and friends file into a meeting room.at the apartment complex where phylicia was last seen.it s where she s been staying with her sister.and where the search for her began.02:05:32 we just really trying to keep her face out therr. keep her face in the news.so people won t stop looking. kelly and deena barnes. hold out hope their sister will come home. safee and soon.initially. there were plenty of leads. but none have panned out. 02:07:08 yeah, in the beginning we got a lot.. a lot of calls, a lot of tips. baltiimre police. continue to pursue the case.but as the weeks pass y. fewer and fewer calls come in.11::4:14 i wish we had something positive to report. all very fr