7. Tick ‘Yes’ at a) if someone else is claiming for BPS on any land parcels in this application. Then tell us if you are the landlord or tenant for the parcels being claimed by someone else at (b). Read section 3.2 in the Higher Tier manual on GOV.UK.
Otherwise tick ‘No’ and go to Question 8.
8. If this application is linked to a CS facilitation fund enter the name of a CS facilitation fund project.
Read more information about the CS facilitation fund on GOV.UK. If this does not apply to the land in your application leave the box blank.
Complete your application form, maps and annexes
This section tells you how to fill in your Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant application form, maps and annex. Step 1 – Your application form
Complete your application form on paper or electronically, as described above. Step 2 – Your map(s)
Prepare a map for your application
You need to provide a map which shows all areas of proposed woodland creation and associated capital items within your application. If your application is successful and we offer you an agreement, the map you sent with the application will become the ‘Agreement Map’ so it needs to be clear, legible and meet the standards set out in the Minimum mapping standards section.