Four new housing projects in Detroit will create nearly 200 new units for residents who are at risk of homelessness or otherwise have trouble affording rent, the city announced Thursday.
Four new housing projects in Detroit will create nearly 200 new units for residents who are at risk of homelessness or otherwise have trouble affording rent, the city announced Thursday.
Detroit nonprofits 24 of them are receiving grants from a pool of $11 million, thanks to a program that has taken on two additional foundations this year.
The pool, which is an increase from the fund s previous $2.7 million, is especially important because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Distributed by Enterprise Community Partners, the pool grew after two foundations and other donors came together to be a support system for those in need.
One recipient, the nonprofit Woodbridge Neighborhood Development, used the money to add two new staff members that will work on community programs and organizing, like home renovations and recreation and parks programming.