robberies brought several democrats are now backing away from defending police movements, both sides are now ramping up their messaging and up several tight races including in georgia. eric: is a topic and charles watson is live in atlanta with a look at how crime is affecting some of the races in the peach state, hi charles. had good afternoon eric and arthel. republicans appeared to have found their footing and have a winning message with voters, certainly in terms of rising crime and trying to connect democrats to lawlessness. stacey abrams said yesterday funding the police. abrams even joined a radical anti- police group. republican incumbent governor brian kemp made it a key issue crime here in georgia and the georgia governors race against democrat stacey abrams. campus criticizing his opponent for defending place by highlighting the task force decreed as governor to target street racing and violent crimes in cities like atlanta were only burglaries and shopliftin
Parker’s Corner Market, located at 1017 Main St. in downtown Liberty Hill, is closed due to receiving an “unsatisfactory” report from the Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD).
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