The Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal jointly with the Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA), Dehradun, inaugurated the 15th Six-day Mid-Career Training (MCT-IV) Management Module Programme for IFS officers on Monday. The programme witnessed the participation of 40 senior
Officials of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) seized 3000 toys in Surat for being sold without the required ISI mark. Learn more about the violation and the regulations.
India Business News: India's environment ministry launches the Indian Forest & Wood Certification Scheme, which aims to promote sustainable forest management and agrofores
India News: Dehradun-based apex national forestry research institution of the environment ministry has developed and released 74 clones and varieties of plantatio
India News: In a move which may provide a significant impetus to the agroforestry sector, the environment ministry on Friday launched the National Transit Pass Sy