Ranchi: Rishikesh Kamfade, a medical student aspirant from Nagpur, has filed a case of cheating against one Rahul Ranjan for duping him of Rs 2 lakh, .
FORESTELLA’s Ko Woo Rim has released a stern warning against those who create fake news regarding his marriage. On February 20, Ko Woo Rim’s agency Beat Interactive released an official statement announcing that they will be taking legal action against perpetrators who create fake news online. After tying the knot last year in October, Ko
Kim Yuna has shared a glimpse inside her and FORESTELLA’s Ko Woo Rim’s wedding! On October 23, the Olympic figure skating champion took to Instagram to post several photos from her wedding the day before, as well as some new pictures from her and Ko Woo Rim’s wedding photo shoot. The figure skater wrote, “Hello,
Before tying the knot on October 22, Kim Yuna and FORESTELLA’s Ko Woo Rim shared a glimpse of their stunning wedding photo shoot! The Olympic figure skating champion and singer will be getting married today in a private ceremony at the Shilla Hotel in Seoul and to celebrate the occasion, the couple rang in their wedding