The Buffalo Theatre Ensemble launches its 2023-24 season with "Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley," a sequel to Jane Austen s beloved novel "Pride and Prejudice." The show, set two years after the original story, highlights the bookish, stubbornly honest Mary Bennet (the middle Bennet sister and the plainest of her siblings) and her journey to find love after believing she never would.
(PRINCETON, NJ) McCarter Theatre Center opens their 2023-2024 Theatre Series with Eisa Davis Bulrusher, a transformational coming-of-age story filled to the brim with passion, humor, and even a touch of magic; on stage in the Berlind Theatre from September 13 – October 7, 2023. This is a co-production with Berkeley Repertory Theatre, where the production will move after its run in Princeton.
For 10 years straight, Tove Krebs Lange, a Danish artist with a great love for Vietnam, traveled between the two countries to help Vietnam build a team of writers and illustrators for children s books. With the support of Lange and the Danish embassy, the role and position of children s literature in Vietnam has been increasingly affirmed.
More than a century since former United States Rep. Jeannette Rankin graduated from the University of Montana, her legacy remains not just imprinted on a University hall, but in the
MISSOULA, Mont. - People have the opportunity to get a sneak peek at a brand-new musical that s like Montana s own version of Hamilton Thursday night. The production We Won t Sleep