one easy way, when a lot of students report, they very much discourage them from going to the police. that s because if it goes to the police, it s more likely to end up as kind of a public record. colleges have been mandated for a long time to report the crimes that occur on campus to the federal government. but it is in the interests of the college to actually suppress all knowledge that that rape has happened. there is a desire to have this addressed internally. and part of that is silencing the kind of problem. it s a public relations management kind of problem, i would say. universities are protecting the brand. they re selling a product.
are police officers and i love them dearly, but they have some work to do. even if law enforcement does do a good job, a lot of district attorneys don t want to take these cases. and even if there is prosecution, it takes a long time. it takes a year, two years. in the meantime, that alleged perpetrator could do it again and again and again. so universities, if they have good evidence that somebody is perpetrating that crime on that campus, they can remove them, to protect their other students, with or without the police. no more violence, no more rape! no more silence, no more hate! what we re seeing today has been going on for a very long time on college campuses. sexual violence has always been part of the college
over and over again. it s like, you need to reread your mission statement. are you hear for sports or are you re you here to educate and protect your students? an alleged sexual assault case involving three basketball players. four vanderbilt football players are charged with rape. derek washington already had a documented history of violence against women. former kicker gibbons in the alleged sexual assault of a woman back in 2009. this is the fifth student athlete to be accused of sexual assault on campus. i really didn t believe the vast majority of student athletes are worthy of our admiration. they re mostly people trying to do the right thing. but when you have 18 to 20-year-old kids who are celebrities, it creates a toxic environment for a lot of bad
after that rape, the young woman shows up in an emergency room in middletown, connecticut, i was assaulted at the fraternity. it s to me outrageous the extent that our colleges and universities are complicit in the sexual assault of young women at these fraternity houses. why don t the schools just disassociate themselves from the fraternities and kick them off campus? right. well, the colleges and universities have much more to gain from the fraternities than the fraternities have to gain from the colleges and universities. one out of every eight college students living on campus lives in greek housing. that s a tremendous amount of housing stock the colleges don t have to pay for, don t have to supervise. you also have to remember, you tie alumni to your campus in a very powerful way when you have a fraternity system. alumni giving is a massive part
he pinned me against the wall and took off my clothes and assaulted me. that s when they both assaulted me. i was assaulted by at least two members of their fraternity. it s extremely difficult, if not impossible to get create information, about whether or not there have been sexual assaults in a particular fraternity house. what you found in many circumstances is universities have created contractual relationships with fraternities that involve them promoting the fraternities but not then also disclosing the risks that they ve had with those fraternities. on the johns hopkins university campus today, following accusations of a gang rape at the university. students say the university failed to tell them about the investigation. problem after problem with the fraternity at unm. and that was before a new claim of rape.