as soon as health care takes care of, we are going to march very quickly. you re going to watch we re going to surprise you. right, steve mnuchin, right? joining us on the set in washington columnist from the washington post george will and from the white house nbc news white house correspondent kristen welker. kristen, we ll start with you. president trump once again turning his attention to health care yesterday. what are you hearing? i was with him in wisconsin when he made those comments, mika. here is what i can tell you based on my conversations with top officials here at the white hou house, there is a real push to revive health care reform. the reasons are political and practical. it would give him more momentum trying to get something big done on tax reform. the practical side of this, we talked about this all week. he needs to repeal and replace obamacare in order to get some of those big tax breaks past as part of a package. they were relying on that math.
look at the republican tallies, which one of those are trumpers? which one said i m a trump republican but i will not vote for a country club republican like karen handel because there are a large chunk of republicans that will not go out to an election in june when, you know, if they are going on vacation with their kids. if they are going to disney world or something. hiking. going hiking because that s apparently very big in this district. you have like 11 republican candidates. that does say something about the party. the question is, are there some trump people there who are not going to vote for a country club republican. and this karen handel, as donald trump struggles even more as we move forward, does she move further away from trump? we don t know what s going to happen two months from now. does she invite trump to campaign? no. this is a district donald trump won by one point. exactly.
promise. hard to walk away from that promise. the only way this works out is if mitch mcconnell and chuck schumer work out a deal. i don t see any other way of doing it. it starts over there. some fait accompli presented to the house and the president gets behind it and maybe something happens. i don t think it s probable, maybe they will play it in the house, i don t see it happening. a waste. sam stein as you brought up earlier, as steve bannon threatened freedom caucus, donald trump threatened democrats saying i going to basically gut this bill without you if you don t support it. yeah, it s just sort of bizarre negotiation standpoint. he threatened freedom caucus and then went to work for them. threatened democrats and said maybe i ll craft a health care bill with them, and then threatened them all over again. maybe i m naive. if you want to work with people, you don t spend your time on
guys. this is what you want your representatives to do. you want them to act like they would with their kids. they want their kids to tell the truth, then they want their president to tell the truth. you ve got a larger point here which is it s a republican senate republican senators will be the ones who will or won t hold trump account nl. fellow republican senator joni ernst of iowa went even further in her criticisms while answering questions on president trump s policies and even his character. i think that we have a president that has a number of flaws. i would say i support more of the policies. i don t support every policy, but there are policies that i support. with the trips to florida, i do wish that he would spend more time in washington, d.c. that s what we have the white house for.
within legislative branch s interest to do it. and you ve got to start in the senate. you can t start in the house. you can t start in the house. it s also sflas is doing, tax reform is doing. it s doable if mitch mcconnell wanted to do it in the senate. all right. coming up on morning joe. one of the submarines in alpha last reported in the area of the grand banks. we have not heard from her for some time. andre, you ve lost another submarine? did the trump administration did the trump administration lose a ship? trump officials suggest u.s. work ships. joe is the one doing a break a while back and said, find that clip. and here is why every assistance, all the