do have capacity, the bypass rate. rate. the rate that hospitals shut the rate that hospitals shut their doors to ambulances is their doors to ambulances is less than 1% to those hospitals. less than 1% to those hospitals. outside the university of outside the university of chicago which has a higher rate chicago which has a higher rate of 30%. of 30%. everyone else in a five-mile everyone else in a five-mile radius is lower than 1%. radius is lower than 1%. let me give you some other let me give you some other statistics. statistics. 2009 government report shows the 2009 government report shows the average wait time for an average wait time for an emergency room patient is double emergency room patient is double what s recommended. what s recommended. and, actually, another study and, actually, another study shows patients spend four to six shows patients spend four to six hours in the emergency hours in the emergency department. department. i don t know what the numbers i don t know