bad human being i think he s mi misguid misguided. there are numerous cases so-called pastors, priests, l rabbis, imams and spiritual teachers who manipulated their congregations dealt in a great deal of spiritual abuse. i don t think islam has exclusivity rights on bad behavior but i think i need to broaden the spectrum in investigating terrorism and need to start with neo nazi, ku klux klan clue before we single out islamic jihadists. we have to isolate the threat and move forward and look at all forms of terrorism. you know where i stand. i feel as you do. but i peter king represents my hometown district. my district owned the diner down the block. he is a wonderful chars matic
he is a wonderful chars matic guy and in many ways i like this very, very much. he has a real fear that i think many people share. i hear crazy statistics there is a radicalization process going on. too many imams here in the states can t draw or don t draw the distinction between religious pursuits and political goals. what say you? oo i think there are a few people who actively recruit mosques in this country. there are far too few. i say personally someone who worked in homeland security and counter-terrorism and intelligence that there are h my muslims like myself on the front lines helping to thwart terroristic activities. those very view imams must be monitored and dealt with appropriately and brought to justice.
bad human being i think he s mi misguid misguided. there are numerous cases so-called pastors, priests, l rabbis, imams and spiritual teachers who manipulated their congregations dealt in a great deal of spiritual abuse. i don t think islam has exclusivity rights on bad behavior but i think i need to broaden the spectrum in investigating terrorism and need to start with neo nazi, ku klux klan clue before we single out islamic jihadists. we have to isolate the threat and move forward and look at all forms of terrorism. you know where i stand. i feel as you do. but i peter king represents my hometown district. my district owned the diner down the block. he is a wonderful chars matic