on the moon he said, man because mankind are the same time. it doesn t take away from the accomplishment. if you look on the tv, a lot of tvs were black and white at the time. it was amazing and awe inspiring. wonderful american. bob: did you know kimberly, one of the astronaut contributors to fox said that the computer capability, you remember it broke down near the end and he had to hand land it on the moon. there is more capebility in the iphone than in the apollo landing mission. kimberly: testment to his ability and skill. the way he was able to keep it together to make an incredible accomplishment for the country. that is why he is revered by all generations and will be for many to come. bob: sorry about my ear piece. people say i have big ears and it s true. dana: big mouth. bob: did you to say that? yes, a big mouth. dana: lighten it up. bob: you are right. greg, i was going to ask greg.
think is a bad guy. rockefeller, senior. you say he was a good guy. i think john d. rock feller is a wonderful american john d. rockefeller is a wonderful american. gives us cheap energy, makes america energy independent. at the time rockefeller comes on the scene, the major source of interior illumination was whale oil. in 20 years people quit using whale oil. he does more to save the whales than greenpeace. drives down the price of kerosene so low people substitute kerosene for whale oil. he gets nothing but grease for it. he then uses the byproduct of the kerosene, of the oil he was getting out of the ground. only part of it was good for kerosene. other parts, other oil drillers ended up tossing it into the river. as larry knows, he became one of the first environmentalists because he believed all the parts in a barrel of oil would be
think is a bad guy. rockefeller, senior. you say he was a good guy. i think john d. rock feller is a wonderful american john d. rockefeller is a wonderful american. gives us cheap energy, makes america energy independent. at the time rockefeller comes on the scene, the major source of interior illumination was whale oil. in 20 years people quit using whale oil. he does more to save the whales than greenpeace. drives down the price of kerosene so low people substitute kerosene for whale oil. he gets nothing but grease for it. he then uses the byproduct of the kerosene, of the oil he was getting out of the ground. only part of it was good for kerosene. other parts, other oil drillers ended up tossing it into the river. as larry knows, he became one of the first environmentalists because he believed all the parts in a barrel of oil would be
think is a bad guy. rockefeller, senior. you say he was a good guy. i think john d. rock feller is a wonderful american john d. rockefeller is a wonderful american. gives us cheap energy, makes america energy independent. at the time rockefeller comes on the scene, the major source of interior illumination was whale oil. in 20 years people quit using whale oil. he does more to save the whales than greenpeace. drives down the price of kerosene so low people substitute kerosene for whale oil. he gets nothing but grease for it. ucts of the oil that he was getting out of the ground only part of it was good for kerosene.herts, other oil drillers ended updrie tossing it into the river but as larry knows he became one of the first environmentalists because he believed all of thee parts in a barrel of oil would be useful. was he an environmentalist>n
i think john d. rock feller is a wonderful american john d. rockefeller is a wonderful american. gives us cheap energy, makes america energy independent. at the time rockefeller comes on the scene, the major source of interior illumination was whale oil. in 20 years people quit using whale oil. he does more to save the whales than greenpeace. drives down the price of kerosene so low people substitute kerosene for whale oil. he gets nothing but grease for it. he then uses the byproduct of the kerosene, of the oil he was getting out of the ground. only part of it was good for kerosene. other parts, other oil drillers ended up tossing it into the river. as larry knows, he became one of the first environmentalists because he believed all the parts in a barrel of oil would be useful, because glenn: was he an environmentalist or a guy who