so they sent these pictures to their social worker in april showing rooms much cleaner and tidier than before with finley s cot waiting for him. covid lockdowns meant the social worker didn t come to the house. other documents show the parents impressed social workers once they could meet them and finley in person for short contact sessions. one social worker wrote that. on 1st october 2020 their case came back to the family court. covid affected this, too the hearing took place entirely on the phone, before two magistrates. the local authority said finley should go back to his parents over a four month period. the social worker from the independent court advisory
aged 40 49 run next in line for boosters and 416 and 17 year olds who will now be offered a 2nd dose, on booking appointments will be available very soon. above all, today, i want to reinforce this vital message to every person eligible for vaccination including pregnant women. whether for eligible for vaccination including pregnant women. whetherfor a eligible for vaccination including pregnant women. whether for a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or boosterjag, please book an appointment without delay and get your flu an appointment without delay and get yourflu jag, too, if an appointment without delay and get your flu jag, too, if you re eligible for that. getting vaccinated does remain the single most important thing any of us can do to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our communities and you could well be saving your own life and the lives of your love ones, you will be helping the nhs and you will be maximising our chances of getting through this winter without need for further restriction
let us cross to nicola sturgeon. scotland s first minister is addressing now holyrood. have now had a 1st dose addressing now holyrood. have now had a 1st dose and addressing now holyrood. have now had a 1st dose and 3,000,940 - had a 1st dose and 3,000,940 thousand 314 have had both doses. in total now, they are double vaccinated. it was. in line with advice, were preparing to offer a 2nd dose is 216 and 17 year olds. as of now, on 1st, 2nd, 3rd and booster doses, scotland are still the most vaccinated part of the uk and i want again to record my thanks for delivering the vaccine programme. looking across europe, we can see very clearly that the
a graffiti artist guides us to the sights of his hometown of houston. and the view or video shows us a trip to mexico and guatemala. on 1st a tour of a form of fishing boats built in 1987. shows me his ship. no entry in that s right it s a print. of dust and that s all the original you haven t changed anything that s all it s all absolutely original or does not and it still works do you have to check it regularly as well when we turn on the engine we have to check it in advance but it runs. in white tight here do you ever hit your head always at least a few times. let me show you the living room because i tried to make it very cozy.
of resorting to violence is not an alternative with the bad it s not our job that s what the police are there is autistic and that s why my colleagues put up with quite a lot before they call the police or before they defend themselves or with me because our workers inhibitions threshold is quite high when we go out of doctors there who was. on 1st and then. once again time is of the essence. an older woman is in danger of suffocating. they give her an infusion oxygen and take her blood pressure it s all routine for to be. here the relatives even want to help. because you. know you. don t be alarmed it goes back quite