that this was raising awareness all over the country about what was happening to women s reproductive freedoms. - it was a live and unfolding political drama, a woman who chose to make a stand in front of her fellow lawmakers and a viewing audience that grew based on word of mouth and social media. - the texas state senator that everyone is talking about. wendy davis, a democrat, took a stand against a bill restricting abortions in the state. - who is wendy davis and why is everyone talking about her? - are you gonna run for governor? [dramatic music] [audience cheering] this girl is on fire [audience cheering] - look at you, look at all of you. - wendy, wendy. - texas. - wendy, wendy, wendy. - trying to be in this moment
- it was an exciting moment for all of us that this was raising awareness all over the country about what was happening to women s reproductive freedoms. - it was a live and unfolding political drama, a woman who chose to make a stand in front of her fellow lawmakers and a viewing audience that grew based on word of mouth and social media. - the texas state senator that everyone is talking about. wendy davis, a democrat, took a stand against a bill restricting abortions in the state. - who is wendy davis and why is everyone talking about her? - are you gonna run for governor? [dramatic music] [audience cheering] this girl is on fire [audience cheering] - look at you, look at all of you. - wendy, wendy. - texas. - wendy, wendy, wendy. - trying to be in this moment
[dramatic music] - it was an exciting moment for all of us that this was raising awareness all over the country about what was happening to women s reproductive freedoms. - it was a live and unfolding political drama, a woman who chose to make a stand in front of her fellow lawmakers and a viewing audience that grew based on word of mouth and social media. - the texas state senator that everyone is talking about. wendy davis, a democrat, took a stand against a bill restricting abortions in the state. - who is wendy davis and why is everyone talking about her? - are you gonna run for governor? [dramatic music] [audience cheering]
[dramatic music] - it was an exciting moment for all of us that this was raising awareness all over the country about what was happening to women s reproductive freedoms. - it was a live and unfolding political drama, a woman who chose to make a stand in front of her fellow lawmakers and a viewing audience that grew based on word of mouth and social media. - the texas state senator that everyone is talking about. wendy davis, a democrat, took a stand against a bill restricting abortions in the state. - who is wendy davis and why is everyone talking about her? - are you gonna run for governor? [dramatic music] [audience cheering] this girl is on fire
what was happening at the texas capitol. [crowd chanting] [crowd clapping rhythmically] [dramatic music] - it was an exciting moment for all of us that this was raising awareness all over the country about what was happening to women s reproductive freedoms. - it was a live and unfolding political drama, a woman who chose to make a stand in front of her fellow lawmakers and a viewing audience that grew based on word of mouth and social media. - the texas state senator that everyone is talking about. wendy davis, a democrat, took a stand against a bill restricting abortions in the state. - who is wendy davis and why is everyone talking about her? - are you gonna run for governor? [dramatic music]