Virtually all late breakers and featured clinical research sessions at the 2021 ACC annual scientific sessions were presented by men, a new review notes, begging the question: Where are the women?
Her mom provided a great example few of her friends had at home: "If you want to work, you should work and do what you want to do and it s not wrong to want to have a really high-powered job as a woman."
There is evidence that physicians suffer disproportionately from substance use disorders, but no clear understanding of whether the phenomenon is causal. This column uses data from Dutch medical school applicants to examine the effects of becoming a physician on prescription drug use. Leveraging variation from lottery outcomes that determine admission into medical
I went ziplining with a group of fellow doctors this summer. It was an activity that was part of my Adventure Retreat for Women Physicians, which was a CME-awarding retreat that focused on having fun. This may sound extraneous, but making time for fun is one of the most impactful things you can do to bring more meaning and satisfaction into your life.