Humanity has progressed quite a lot when it comes to human rights, respect, tolerance, and the like, but there is still a ways to go as inequality and discrimination is still a thing quite a big one, actually. And the internet has become a bit of a platform for people to share such experiences.
Shira (@shirainspired) recently went to Twitter to ask people what was the most unnecessarily ableist thing a teacher ever did to them. For those unaware, ableism means discrimination and social prejudice against a person with a disability. This is usually based on the belief that typical abilities are superior.
Humanity has progressed quite a lot when it comes to human rights, respect, tolerance, and the like, but there is still a ways to go as inequality and discrimination is still a thing quite a big one, actually. And the internet has become a bit of a platform for people to share such experiences.
Shira (@shirainspired) recently went to Twitter to ask people what was the most unnecessarily ableist thing a teacher ever did to them. For those unaware, ableism means discrimination and social prejudice against a person with a disability. This is usually based on the belief that typical abilities are superior.