and then you have to then be the woman brace of come to mammas bosom and to me the biggest job i have is to ensure that the problem solving process is not stressful. that we say what are the problems how do we solve the problem how do we communicate the problems. he directed here was the marketplace of thorough twenty you always dick. things you want to show and very often what are you looking for in those pieces firstly i have absolute obsession and love of unfinished pieces secondly i do have. a very important desire to bring new repertoire and unknown pieces to the public but
you have to be you have to be have to be patriarchal some time. and then you have to be in the the woman brace of come to mama s bosom and to me the biggest job i have is to ensure that the problem solving process is not stressful. that we say what are the problems. so how do we solve the problems how do we communicate the problems. to these new director here with the marketplace of storage and see you always dick . things you re not shown very often what are you looking for in those pieces firstly i have absolute obsession and love of unfinished pieces secondly i do have . a very important desire to bring new repertoire and unknown pieces to
can put it stock quality you can the great great performers you don t talk very much you. have to let them breathe and let it come out and it s very natural we have here the house opera singers and dancers and actors and seeking opera singers who can t dance but things you can dance and you know it s like it s like a truth it s like a bee. when you re in the circus you have a line time is of the jugglers and the clowns and the trapeze artist and you have the midgets and elephants and you have this this troupe and this is to me what an opera house should be we ve been talking to some singers that we heard often the words family say you are the father are your words trick are you know are your. mother and the father. you have to be you have to be have to be patriarchal some time. and then you have to then be the woman brace of come to moment. and