The court specified a minimum compensation of Rs 10,000 per tooth mark in dog bite cases and a minimum of Rs 20,000 per 0.2 cm of wound where flesh is affected. HC on Stray Dog Bite: Punjab and Haryana High Court Sets Minimum Compensation at Rs 10,000 Per Tooth Mark, Declares State Responsible for Animal Attacks.
quivering and not pumping anything out. the aed stops the heart completely and someone needs to be there to administer chest expressions to get it going at a proper rhythm again. fryburger attaches two pads and the aed detects defib rilation and recommendations a shock. everyone stayed back, pressed the button and shock was administered. don t touch, stay back. when the man was shocked, his whole body jumps. to see his whole body tense up and jump, it s kind of surreal. still didn t have much hope that things were going to go okay for this man. as the officers continue giving compressions, a woman approaches stay back, please. the woman explains she s an off-duty nurse and offers to