Wolves have made an impressive comeback in Europe in recent decades, but their presence has ignited a fierce debate and threatens to widen rural vs urban divides.
The growth of gray wolves in Oregon remains slow, though the animals continue to expand their habitat westward, according to a new annual state report.
Center for Biological Diversity: SILVER CITY, N.M. An endangered Mexican gray wolf has been killed in New Mexico by federal employees, according to a document released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Affectionately named Rusty by a middle school student in a nationwide contest, the wolf was killed on April 12, leaving behind his likely pregnant mate and several yearling pups. The Service quietly authorized the killing on March 29, 2023 the 25th anniversary of Mexican wolves’ return to the wild.
The new pack, two wolves, established a territory in a sparsely populated area where local livestock producers have long been anticipating the arrival of wolves.