Anna, the Little Egbado Girl, and Our Lack of Progress As A People, By Wole Akinyosoye
Anna, also known as Sarah Forbes Bonetta
Anna would be appalled at how little we have done for our country and the black race since our flag independence 61 years ago. She would be appalled at tribalism and ethnicity fanned by our rulers, the impudence at the highest echelons, and how we do the same thing over again and expect different results.
Great stories are made when misfortunes spin a fortunate turn. We relish a tragic plot that fails to deliver sad ending. So, the grass to grace story of a raggedy start and happy ending tickles the soul. We love it when a dwarf falls a giant. That is why David and Goliath and their battle in the valley at Ella resonate. The story of the little man in defiance of gravity rekindles hope for the miraculous; it reassures that we too can spring great surprises.