and they ve canceled your job and seized your bank account for the crime of disagreeing y. themm this is the architecture of tyranny and it s not justrcy happening in canada. ni it sng happening here in thend united states. usedill be used against us .ill bet aga on jason whitlock is the host of fearless. we are always grateful to have him on the show. jason , thanks so much for coming on . so we don t pay any attention to candidates famously boring. that s a compliment that things don t typically happen there.hi but this has happened. the guy is taking total control of the country and canceled human rights and our state department, our media, the bush administration say nothing. how does that work? wo tucker , what s amazing isrk justin trudeau on the record has told us exactly who he isth when fidele castro dies. he had glowing words for fidel castro.e he has talked about how muchec respect and admiration he has for chinat a in the way things e run in china. he has told exactly who