EPA initial guidance on design of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund GGRF program created by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act IRA. This guidance provides recipients to apply for $27 billion in funding from green bank financial assistance for projects that reduce GHGs.
Tanzania has been booked to host the AGRF 2023 Summit. The announcement was made by Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan, the president of the United Republic of Tanzania and H.E. Hailemariam Dessalegn, the Chair of the AGRF Partners Group on the sidelines of the U.S. Africa Leaders’ Summit in Washington, DC. The AGRF, Africa’s […]
INVESTMENT, Industry and Trade minister Dr Ashatu Kijaji has called for concerted public and private sector actions to take Tanzania to the centre of Africa and global food trade.
George Weston Limited (OTCMKTS:WNGRF – Get Rating) was the target of a large increase in short interest in the month of April. As of April 30th, there was short interest totalling 177,300 shares, an increase of 52.6% from the April 15th total of 116,200 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 1,300 shares, the […]
Shares of George Weston Limited (OTCMKTS:WNGRF – Get Rating) have been given an average rating of “Buy” by the six ratings firms that are covering the stock, Marketbeat Ratings reports. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a hold rating and one has issued a buy rating on the company. The average 1 […]