better than even i thought they would be. the regulation cuts have been great. i have done more and 500 days than any president has ever done in their first 500 days if not history because history for whatever reason, win the election and lose seats. i think we re going to do very well. i really do. the economy is doing so well, doing so well as a nation, we will surprise people. joining us to talk about it, syndicated radio talkshow host leslie marshall. and larry o connor radio host of wmal in washington and associated opinion editor at the washington times, welcome to both. the president feeling very optimistic. he knows history is against him because only ones in recent decades has this worked, the first midterm after his election. i want to talk you to some recent polls from fox news last week. which party would do a better job on a number of topics when it comes to the economy the republicans are plus 5 on that
his comments straightahead and the trump administration takes another step in prioritizing religious liberty as the atty. gen. says he will not tolerate discrimination against people of faith. welcome to fox news at night. i am shannon bream in washington. a brand-new letter from houston to the miniature devon nunez and several other republican members. deputy attorney general ron rosenstein demanding the fbi and justice department give them full access to documents they have, quote, lawfully subpoenaed saying anything short of providing the records is obstruction. the letter comes as a number of fbi and justice department officials are facing a day of reckoning tomorrow is a report by the doj inspector general how the hillary clinton email investigation was handled finally going to go public, could be a bombshell. catherine herridge is here tonight with a preview as we wait. an inveation that began eatinggo, allegations of misconduct by f justice
comets. major flood warnings in effect for northern california happening right now. the drought stricken state has seen unusually heavy rainfall raising fears, of course, of mudslides and other problems out there. as the u.s. and the coalition of forces continue to battle isis, there are reports about 1,000 people a month that continue to join the terror group. lawmakers on capitol hill are taking a closer look at those fighters today as the house foreign affairs subcommittees on terrorism and the middle east hold a joint hearing on isis and our strategy to try and defeat the terrorists. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge live for us in washington. what are we learning about the so-called khorazn group and its efforts to target u.s. passenger jets now? this morning witnesses deny to identify khorazn by name. areas of the body not normally
i love street cops they don t have a voice right now, and i think it s time to push back. i think the president has been balanced in this effort. all of it may not have been completely laid out in the four points, but i think those four points are the right points. joining me now to debate simon rosenberg, president and founder of ndn and a former clinton campaign advisor and larry o connor, host of mornings on the mall at wmal in washington and at ij editor at large. great to see you. let me start with this executive action of the president. here we go again with another executive action. it has to do with police training, and body cameras for police, but is that really what instigated the situation in ferguson? no. i think that the american people are kind of tired of what looks like political opportunism over the death of this young man. let s get real here. nothing the president proposed yesterday with his pen, nothing would keep michael brown alive that day in
aids activist community expand medicaid? that is actually a very good question and would be very smart for the aids activists, aids community, to push in that direction. look, the idea that you have governors across the country who are saying no to giving their citizens access to health insurance. they re saying no. they re not accepting any help from the federal government to make it possible for people to get to get medicaid. it s unconscionable. and the only way i think for governors who hear the message is if people do what, say, the dreamers are doing on the mal in washington. hunger strikes, civil disobedience to make it clear, hey, we have paid into this system. now it s time for us to get something back. doesn t sound like it s politically smart either. here we are, jonathan capehart, aisha moody mills. thanks to both of you. we ll be right back.