this i gotta try ldcats til we die. bendy. spendy weekenders. whatever kind of weekender you are, there s a hilton for you. book your weekend break direct at and join the weekenders. so we know how to cover almost alanything.ything, even a truck-cicle. [second man] how you doing? [ice cracking] [second man] ah,ah, ah. oh no! [first man] saves us some drilling. [burke] and we covered it, february fourteenth, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. wknow a thing e we ve seen a thing otwo. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
it s just a date. i can stay. i m good. i won t be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn t always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we ll help you handle what s next. financial guidance while you re mastering life. from chase. so you can. so we know how to cover almost alanything.ything, even mer-mutts. (1940s aqua music) (burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. talk to farmers. wknow a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two.
very, very key to the death penalty phase. because it only takes one jury in a federal trial to say they do not want the person to get the death penalty. it must be unanimous. when you have people on a jury who although they ve already been screened, they re willing to consider both life without parole and also the death penalty, you will find a huge population of people who have such a visceral reaction to death that they will may not actually find death penalty appropriate even in this case. we don t of course, dan yny sevellos want to say this is a foregone conclusion, it is in a way, because we no wknow who di this, it s not about whether or not he did this, it s about whether he s going to get the death penalty and dylann roof wants to represent himself during the sentencing phase. how does that play out? what impact does that have? what impact it s going to be really, really bad for this defendant, and while i wouldn t
place last saturday, that the suspect, jared loughner, was stopped for a traffic stop at an intersection about six miles away from the safeway shopping center where the shooting occurred. now, he was pulled over by an officer with the arizona game and fish commission because loughner had run a red light. now, the officer pulled him over. he checked his license. he did a background check on him, found there were no outstanding warrants, and loughner was allowed to leave with just a warning. now, of course, little did that officer noah wknow what was to 2 1/2 hours later. we also learned that very same morning loughner showed up at the house and our john king interviewed the chief investigator of this case who says that the father noticed that jared was out in the front yard. he said that he had a black bag with him and that when his father asked him about it, he couldn t get a replay, what is it, what s in the bag?
hijacker with the bomb and attempt to get into the cockpit. he said it is what we have to do. and it wasn t long after that, tha she heard him say, i haved some men around him. said are you ready? we are all running to first class, i ve got to go, bye. then he said let s roll! wknow that the passengers made a rush on the cockpit and thwarted the hijackers. we know that because the cockpit voice recording they knew there was a movement afo in theback and their moments were numbered upeo front. someone heard on the cockpit voice recording, they are coming, they are coming! there was a trendous thrashing around of dishes and carts back and forth. this plane was at lost 30 degrees, rapidly go to 45 degrees the other way and