these closed-door hearings in the basement. i was denied several times several times the right to go and hear what these fact witnesses said. yet i m supposed to vote on this today. we have not had one single fact witness here in this committee at all. then i hear from my republican colleagues that were on the intelligence committee that republicans were refused to have any of their witnesses in that committee. and then on top of that, republicans were told interrupted, silenced, by chairman schiff when they tried to ask witnesses questions. he would say to the witness don t answer that. so now here in judiciary committee we are supposed to vote on something when we haven t even heard directly
pelosi hands it over to adam schiff, where he has these closed door hearings in the basement. i was denied the right to go in and hear what these fact witnesses said, but i m supposed to vote on this today. and we have not had one single fact witness here in this committee at all. and then i hear from my republican colleagues they were refuses witnesss in that committee. and on top of that, republicans were interrupted and silenced by chairman schiff when they tried to ask witnesses questions. they said to the witness, don t answer that. i mean, and so now, here in judiciary committee, we re
this morning s numbers to know, the first pertaining to the impeachment inquiry, and the republican complaints about being shut out of the process, resulting in wednesday s notorious storming stunt. and yet, 47 republicans are members of the three participating committees and permitted to ask witnesses questions. well, that s nearly a quarter of the 197 republicans in the house. that is wrong. and that is why i am in this fight. so folks, get up, remember, this is the united states of america, we can do anything. and now to the battle for the white house, and a milestone, before the first vote, today marks the 100th day before the iowa caucuses, and the beginning of the primary season. and at this time, an electoral