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i went behind the tree. i was very scared as he approached me with the gun outstretched. at first, witnesses don t know what s going on. some think a movie is filming. maybe it s fireworks or a crazy prank. sonny kang is on a pay phone nearby. i heard the loud noise and turned around real quick and the first thing i see is the older guy with a gun in his hand. i was going to run too, but for some reason, my foot wouldn t move. i was shocked. like, oh, my god. the gunman is 64-year-old william strier. he s angry because he says curry is one of the people responsible for withholding his money from a trust fund. calmly, strier continues to shoot from one side of the tree to the other with curry bobbing and weaving from side to side. and he was just like a rabbit, just left and right, left and right. as soon as you heard a pop, he was moving. he hit me in the right forearm and he hit me on the
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i went behind the tree. i was very scared as he approached me with the gun outstretched. at first, witnesses don t know what s going on. some think a movie is filming. maybe it s fireworks or a crazy prank. sonny kang is on a pay phone nearby. i heard the loud noise and turned around real quick and the first thing i see is the older guy with a gun in his hand. i was going to run too, but for some reason, my foot wouldn t move. i was shocked. like, oh, my god. the gunman is 64-year-old william strier. he s angry because he says curry is one of the people responsible for withholding his money from a trust fund. calmly, strier continues to shoot from one side of the tree to the other with curry bobbing and weaving from side to side. and he was just like a rabbit, just left and right, left and right. as soon as you heard a pop, he was moving. he hit me in the right