lawyers start probing the secrets of other tricks the judge says he will close the court room. legal eagles are here to argue both sides of the case. a senior counsel for first liberty institute and the criminal defense attorney, welcome. a couple things here. the night of the fall, the show s executive producers as the plaintiff said he had not been seriously injured. copperfield said he walked the same path and didn t see any potential hazards and if he would have he would have let them know. with that in mind the plaintiff s lawyers said they call the performance an accident waiting to happen. part of the mgm grand were under renovation and dumpster was placed on the route they use to leave the stage.
the hotel was under construction and he tripped over debris. the hotel and the show say the pathway was clear but on the witness stand the show s executive producer did acknowledge participants are told nothing. at no time they told what they have to do or where they are going before they start. david copperfield refused to accept responsibility testify in a very soft voice had gone down the path several minutes earlier and it was clear. he was asked if a noddy and member participates and gets hurt, is it their fault? if there is a piece of debris in the middle of the way, all these hypothetical things. mr. cox is seeking $400,000 for medical bills and lost income. the trial continues but if
he was hurt during the illusion. the british man who filed the lawsuit is gavin cox, a former chef and well-known london club and one toasted between mother. during a birthday trip to vegas in 2013 he attended the david copperfield show at the mgm grand hotel. cox was among the audience members selected for lucky 13, the famous copperfield illusion where 13 audience members appear to vanish except when the curtain comes down, stagehands replace audience members and the chairs on stage and lucky 13 are taken out of back door and led through the thousand the mgm go down alleys, around corners and even through a kitchen until they magically appear in the back of the theater. gavin cox claims during the signature people, dislocated his shoulder and hit his head.