with the new laproscopic techniques. but you want your gal bladder. it has a function.s i would rather have a gall im bladder that worked well instead of no gall bladder scwhrie. can we do in terms ofes cleansing to help the gall bladder function better. the gall bladder flush isflus something that has been around for quite f awhile. explain it to us. there are a lot of variations on the procedure, but the bottom line, the ingredient that is common is oil and specifically olive oil and the version we use. drinking a large amount of olive oil stimulates the gal bladder to squeeze out material. that clears it out. there is a procedure to do that you can do that is easy and it is four days. you can use apple juice withse foss phospheric acids and then on the last day you taketh somee epsom salt and you take the olive oil that helps the