Since April 2023, Channel One Regional Food Bank has partnered with Project DASH to deliver food boxes to Rochester residents experiencing food insecurity.
ROCHESTER, Min. (WLAX/WEUX) – Make Hunger History, a plan initiated by Second Harvest Heartland and championed by Channel One Regional Food Bank, among other statewide partners, offers a bold goal to cut hunger in half for all Minnesotans by 2030. The Make Hunger History initiative will unite communities, policymakers, and business leaders to reduce hunger […]
Roughly one in eight Nebraskans who have experienced hunger is a child. The state has a chance to help their families afford groceries, but must opt in to a federal program to do so. During the COVID Public Health Emergency, families with children eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school also received Pandemic EBT funding to help them afford groceries during school closures and summer vacation. .
Today, nearly 4,000 Utahns are lacing up their running shoes and putting on a costume for the Utah Food Bank s 18th annual Utah Human Race. Ginette Bott, president and CEO of the Utah Food Bank, said as many gather in the spirit of Thanksgiving, it is an important time to remember close to 320,000 Utahns face hunger, and one in 10 Utah kids do not know where their next meal is coming from. She explained by running with an "attitude of gratitude," many are helping the food bank in the fight against statewide hunger. .
As Thanksgiving approaches, some Alabama residents are facing a meal gap crisis, forcing people to choose between buying gas and medicine or putting turkey on the table. Each month, the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama reported they serve about 250,000 people across 12 counties who experience food insecurity on a regular basis. Nicole Williams, CEO of the food bank, said this holiday season the food bank is preparing an extra 25,000 holiday meal boxes to help feed families. .